Calibrated Simplicity

Thumbnail of the map 'Calibrated Simplicity'

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Author NICNAC14
Tags action author:nicnac14 unrated
Created 2008-10-17
Last Modified 2008-10-17
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Easy,fun,noobish map...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'I Wish it Was the pillar of Destiny...' Thumbnail of the map 'Super Station...' Thumbnail of the map 'Lateral Infection' Thumbnail of the map 'Hollow Grounds...' Thumbnail of the map 'Super Spring>....' Thumbnail of the map 'Ice Cream's Revenge...'
I Wish it Was the pillar of Destiny... Super Station... Lateral Infection Hollow Grounds... Super Spring>.... Ice Cream's Revenge...


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great level. The normal doors got quite annoying though, as sometimes the 'trip' you up when you jump between two of them.
Demo Data