1-4: Deceptive

Thumbnail of the map '1-4: Deceptive'

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Author OutrightOJ
Tags action author:outrightoj playable series unrated
Created 2008-10-18
Last Modified 2008-10-18
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description <RESUB> This time I will post a completion demo to show you guys how to beat it.

Not really difficult, but it is definitely beatable. Sorry to you guys who played previously. Quickest AGD gets a DED.


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1-1: Microbe 1-2: Triangle Formula Micro Alphabet: L for lightning55 Micro Alphabet: M for mammaletto 1-3: Pinwheel Micro Alphabet: N for No_One


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Backwards demo is backwards.
Demo Data

Don't get me wrong with that, I have it figured it out. I just want to cheat and do it all uber-fast and backwards and some random crap. :P

*Looks at image.*

Pffffft. Who's gonna need to see a completion demo to figure this out?

*Proceeds to die 60 times.* :(


for you guys to work on.
Demo Data


Not that hard really, it's just quite slow.
Demo Data