
Thumbnail of the map 'Ever'

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Author StoneySmile
Tags action agd author:stoneysmile hard unrated
Created 2008-10-18
Last Modified 2008-10-18
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Well, here it is.. hope it works out alright. Let me know what you think, and yeah, I know its pretty difficult.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'No Known Survivors' Thumbnail of the map 'Reluctantly Lucid' Thumbnail of the map 'Epilogue' Thumbnail of the map '†String Theory†' Thumbnail of the map 'Praise the War Machine' Thumbnail of the map 'Ever Waiting'
No Known Survivors Reluctantly Lucid Epilogue †String Theory† Praise the War Machine Ever Waiting


Pages: (0)



it says

i rated :/
btw, when you do the smiley thing :)
its really ironic. lawl maybe you should change your avatar...


guys, but one of you didn't rate. And personally, I like the gold just how it is.


Really good. The gold could use some organizing though, if you know what I mean.
Demo Data


its like a standard noob map, but good. the style is nooby, but being made by you, it plays very well and the gold is quite fun to get 4