I've got to hand it to you...

Thumbnail of the map 'I've got to hand it to you...'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Tags author:be_nspired fun race rated rocket-dodge tileset
Created 2008-10-19
Last Modified 2008-10-19
by 16 people.
Map Data

Description It started with a Tileset, and from there I made a map that for me had a pleasing flow. Comment before you vote, but most of all BE_nSPIRED!!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Unknown Face' Thumbnail of the map 'The Greater of Two Evil's...' Thumbnail of the map 'The Greater of Two Evil's....' Thumbnail of the map 'Jump, the glitched door' Thumbnail of the map 'I've got to hand it to you... (TileSet)' Thumbnail of the map 'Nobody's Child...'
Unknown Face The Greater of Two Evil's... The Greater of Two Evil's.... Jump, the glitched door I've got to hand it to you... (TileSet) Nobody's Child...


Pages: (0)

fast agd

Demo Data

this is awesome

flow wasn't the greatest but i loved the tileset.
5aved for that.

one day

ill make a good race level


Demo Data

Demo Data


i like the flow

this should be featured

Decent speedrun

Demo Data

This is incredible.



and its still awesome

and if i hadnt rated it a five already i would lol

My awesome speedrun

beat that
Demo Data

im favouriting

still good lol

when my maps get this good ill be happy haha

nice, 4/5

why do your maps all have a hand theme?
I like the beginning half more than the end, but this is fun :)


Good tileset, clever name, and decent race. Some of the close calls, such as the ones with the rockets at the beginning are good, and although the flow is somewhat generic, it worked pretty well with the tiles.

3.5/5 rounded up.
Demo Data


this needs to be featured or something

perfect in my eyes

oh i did all gold on this map but idk how to get the demo cuz the thing is being annoying haha

could you give me some advice on my maps because i like your maps and i want to go your style

Heres the demo

Though all you have to do is follow the flow
Demo Data