The Gauntlet!!!

Thumbnail of the map 'The Gauntlet!!!'

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Author lookatthisisgoodatn
Tags author:lookatthisisgoodatn drones floorguards gauss mines thwumps unrated
Created 2008-10-19
Last Modified 2008-10-19
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description No, not the one inspired by Takeshi's Castle. I like this one. I am running out of ideas, though. My sixth map, I think.
Here's what you have to do:
Thwump dodging, Mine dodging with floor guards, Laser dodging, Gauss dodging, Drone dodging, hit the exit switch and getting back in one piece. Good luck! I hope you like it.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Spiral Maze' Thumbnail of the map 'Curvature II' Thumbnail of the map 'Obscene Difficulty' Thumbnail of the map 'Good Knight' Thumbnail of the map 'Glitchy' Thumbnail of the map 'Weird-ish Map'
Spiral Maze Curvature II Obscene Difficulty Good Knight Glitchy Weird-ish Map


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It is fairly easy.


it is a extra part of n created by the numa user unreality
on nreality you will meet many hew drones including rocky drones, ghost drones and force field drones. There are of course many more.

In nreality n can be given "powers" called playermods
They can make n fly, make him into a different size and there are many more playermods aswell.

Once you understand how to use nreality ask me on one of my maps about a little bit more about it and i'll help you out!!!!!!!