Oaple Cedellow Tree

Thumbnail of the map 'Oaple Cedellow Tree'

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Author daskie
Tags author:daskie cedar fun maple oak rated willow
Created 2008-10-20
Last Modified 2008-10-20
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Fourth level of Six total plant levels, made entirely for fun. This levels consists of a tree (a mix of a oak, maple, cedar, and willow) with many branches that you climb to unlock all the keys and finish the level.

It's not the best tree, i know; i tried my best, although , as a personal opinion, i feel as if i am acctually climbing up and down the tree when i play it. Oh well, hope you enjoy it!

(btw, the things on the 'ground' are some of the roots, which are sticking out of the ground)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Giant Dust Cloud Of DOOM!' Thumbnail of the map 'Haunted House' Thumbnail of the map 'Mines Are NOT Fun!!!' Thumbnail of the map 'BushVine' Thumbnail of the map 'Fly Flower' Thumbnail of the map 'Frog Stool'
Giant Dust Cloud Of DOOM! Haunted House Mines Are NOT Fun!!! BushVine Fly Flower Frog Stool


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but you have to give me credit for the tileset.
and make a map out of them myself?
Demo Data


you know wat? i think maybe i made it a liiiiittle too boring..... just a thought...

ya but how do i make it non-boring, non-repeditive, and funner without changing the tileset or adding any ememies? (besides mines)


The tileset? Stunning. Amazing.

The gameplay? Ugly as all hell. It was slow, jerky, repetitive, and overall boring.

But the tiles... Oh, the tiles... Beautiful.


ya your right. Im completely open to any sugestions, so feel free to say them.


completely agree with wulfgang


Pretty wicked tileset!


Great tileset, it looks fantastic. But the gameplay is repetitive and somewhat univolving.
played all of them so far and this one all gold haha took ages nice map


yeah almost perfect bro (sorry if you're a chick lol):S