Trap world 2

Thumbnail of the map 'Trap world 2'

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Author amh
Tags action author:amh playable unrated
Created 2005-09-26
Last Modified 2005-09-26
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description these traps don`t trap the ninja

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'ant hill' Thumbnail of the map 'Jump' Thumbnail of the map 'Creepy thwmps' Thumbnail of the map '6 Rooms' Thumbnail of the map 'Zig zag zig zag' Thumbnail of the map 'Camel no head'
ant hill Jump Creepy thwmps 6 Rooms Zig zag zig zag Camel no head


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if i wasnt going to put half of it in all caps i would have used a lot of language inappropriate for 5 year olds. so be glad i didn't do that.

Anyhow, at least fix them before submitting on a site like this because nobody wants to be bothered with something that doesn't work..


Dude..amh is 5 years old and submitting on his own. Cut him some slack while he learns.

Wow. wow wow wow

Dude. in EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOUR GODDAMNED MAPS you have sent us the map data after you have beaten it. Meaning, the ninja starts at the FINISHING POINT and we CAN'T DO ANYTHING IN THE LEVEL BECAUSE WE ARE STUCK.

so please FIX THIS by RESETTING YOUR MAP BY PRESSING R before you submit another one.