A Passage to a Forged Alliance

Thumbnail of the map 'A Passage to a Forged Alliance'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Cerberus[]
Tags action author:cerberus[] puzzle unrated
Created 2008-10-28
Last Modified 2008-10-28
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This map is pretty long.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Sequoia Throne' Thumbnail of the map 'Explosions, Bloody Explosions' Thumbnail of the map 'Intronauticus' Thumbnail of the map 'Stalagcite and His Beasts' Thumbnail of the map 'The Darth Night' Thumbnail of the map 'Temple from the Within'
Sequoia Throne Explosions, Bloody Explosions Intronauticus Stalagcite and His Beasts The Darth Night Temple from the Within


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Uber_hax may have a severe case too :)

I was thinking

Uber_hax, actually.
And it seems this map has a severe case of krusch-itis.

The only bit I really liked was the middle with the laser. and perhaps the right hand floorguard.
but the rest of it was very well done.

The top part

was bonafide fantastic, but I didn't really enjoy the center channel.