of those who are insightful (tileset)

Thumbnail of the map 'of those who are insightful (tileset)'

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Author ChaoStar
Tags author:chaostar tileset unrated
Created 2008-11-05
Last Modified 2008-11-05
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

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Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '23-4 of Those who walk in circles...' Thumbnail of the map '24-0 of Those who dwell in the Darkness' Thumbnail of the map '24-1 of Angels and Demons' Thumbnail of the map '24-2 of hatchets and butter knives' Thumbnail of the map '24-3 of Those who wield rulers' Thumbnail of the map '25-0 of Those slain'
23-4 of Those who walk in circles... 24-0 of Those who dwell in the Darkness 24-1 of Angels and Demons 24-2 of hatchets and butter knives 24-3 of Those who wield rulers 25-0 of Those slain


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Would have been better without items.