Direct Injection

Thumbnail of the map 'Direct Injection'

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Author Revolsion
Tags action author:revolsion hardcore lasers unrated
Created 2008-11-10
Last Modified 2008-11-10
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description this is for hardcore laser lovers. enjoy it, and dont say its hard! coz its actually not. PLAY DEMOS KGO rce.

Other maps by this author

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Yaw eno GOBLET The Descent Crags Brambles Lazer, Be my friend


Pages: (0)


Naw, I disagree. It's pretty cool, although it's not as good as this [].
Demo Data
it's difficult to manouver. Make it minimalistic.

nar that makes it gay imo =/ doesnt lag anyway, so wat does it matter?

lmao kk =)

Way too many lasers

WAY too many. Try and create the same effect with one or two in the middle.
just so other people get a bit of a chance =p

sweet =)

I liked it

It wasnt that hard, almost beat it on my second shot, if you like lazers/chainguns check out my latest survival map.