helaasheid der dingen

Thumbnail of the map 'helaasheid der dingen'

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Author crescor
Tags author:crescor der dimitri dingen helaasheid rated verhulst
Created 2008-11-12
Last Modified 2008-11-12
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description Inspired by someone, I have no idea who, though. I think it's Gloomp...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Medion' Thumbnail of the map 'It's not you' Thumbnail of the map 'Cagedbaby' Thumbnail of the map 'Amplified hearts' Thumbnail of the map 'Damn boy, damn!' Thumbnail of the map 'Oh girl,'
Medion It's not you Cagedbaby Amplified hearts Damn boy, damn! Oh girl,


Pages: (0)

oh wait a minute,

i remember it. it was benningen '04 or something. i think it was on gloomp's profile. at least it was. he thought it was his best map.


well it heavily resembles a mix of those two maps anyway. lol.

Not what I ment.

And probably never saw those levels.
I ment the title, anyone know were it comes from?

it's inspired

by two of gloomp's maps. the first is outback, from ctr. the second is a map he made a while ago in which everything was in sets of diagonal fours.


Was wondering when someone would have figured it out:)
You know where it come from?
and if you're not dutch then nevermind xD


if I inspired, then Im happy:)

Spend more time ;)

There's a lot of potential with the one way/jp/drone mechanic. I might try working with it myself.

since this was made in 5 minutes.

First shot.

Seems like the quirky aspects are a contrived, but it's fun.
Again, seems like a beta stage idea (perhaps even alpha). I reckon you should spend more time refining your ideas.

Adding flourishes in the tileset, superfluous objects etc.. just make sure you spend some time thinking about the effects of the latter before you randomly spam for the hell of it.
Demo Data


but pretty cool


I love maps like these. Wall jumping up the left hand side against those rockets was amazing. 4