The Maximum Ride

Thumbnail of the map 'The Maximum Ride'

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Author Guitar_Hero_Matt
Tags action author:guitar_hero_matt gauss-dodger gold-collectorer laser-somethinger mine-jumper rated
Created 2008-11-17
Last Modified 2008-11-17
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description Not something I'd normally try to make, so take a good look and RCE.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'City of Blinding Lights' Thumbnail of the map 'The Revenge of the Banyan Tree's Cousin' Thumbnail of the map 'Wired and Wonderful' Thumbnail of the map 'Traversing the Longitudinal' Thumbnail of the map 'Twin Tetris Turbo HD Tribal Remix II' Thumbnail of the map 'High Tech Gold Mine: The Prospectors'
City of Blinding Lights The Revenge of the Banyan Tree's Cousin Wired and Wonderful Traversing the Longitudinal Twin Tetris Turbo HD Tribal Remix II High Tech Gold Mine: The Prospectors


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i'm too tired to play this now, I'll fave it for later and get back to you with some real feedback sometime tomorrow or whenever.

Fun, though the beginning was insanely difficult :o
I havent played the left because I screwed up near the laser, but it looks fairly reasonable. 4/5

very good idea

i enjoyed this map..

very cool



I really enjoyed this map. Everything was spot on. Except those damn gausses. I think one gauss on each side would have been much more relaxing.


Me like you

Me rate all your maps 5 now. Consider self friends with evil. :)

haha, got distracted? Confused by lines are you? Poor guy.

Oh, its not that :)

Its just, considering the layout of the map, its extremely impractical to get back up there anyway. But I see where you're coming from, it would help the difficulty curve.
With that difficulty it would be best to be able to get back up if fallen to the ground. Some unnecessary mines, The gold also gets repetitive. Going back down was fun though. :) Please don't say "But I made the map so if you fall you can't get back up," That's fine it's just the difficulty curve is off for that idea. Aesthetics were wonderful. :] Can't wait for the big 200!

Oh, and 200th?

Crap, was saving that -_-


The official 200th map, for all intents and purposes is coming tomorrow.
Basically, it ensured that as long as you were in the crevaces, you couldnt actually get shot at by the gauss. And I was trying to make wings, which are fairly repetitive. But thanks for the concern :P


it was different from your other maps, but i can't say i liked it a lot. the laser was really well placed, but with all the mines, it sometimes became hard to get all the gold, and dodge the gauss at the same time. the tileset was a bit repetitive as well.