Thumbnail of the map 'DDA EXTREME'

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Author Ninja_Death
Tags author:ninja_death cool dda fun playable race unrated
Created 2008-11-23
Last Modified 2008-11-23
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description My first DDA map. Pretty bad compared to some people's maps but w/e. Enjoy.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Ring of Fire' Thumbnail of the map 'Easy as Bullets!' Thumbnail of the map 'Snipers and boxes for Christmas?' Thumbnail of the map 'THE MAZE' Thumbnail of the map 'Experimental Quadrants of Parallelism'
Ring of Fire Easy as Bullets! Snipers and boxes for Christmas? THE MAZE Experimental Quadrants of Parallelism


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for the first..

nice. but make it a little more dificult.

putting mines, thwumps...



Thanks for the comments. I'll look into those.
there in my rated maps.
Longer Constructions my best.

needs a lot of work

check out mine or psychosnails ddas