Shuffled Cards.

Thumbnail of the map 'Shuffled Cards.'

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Author NICNAC14
Tags action author:nicnac14 poker unrated
Created 2008-11-25
Last Modified 2008-11-25
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Often a bluff can win a match but in this case the bluff is not a choice your adversary is too powerful, your only choice is to face him head on and rely on lady luck and you own skill, its up to you!
First of poker series...

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So close yet so far... albercurthy... Blam! its FaM Glossy! Bubbles!! I M Classic


Pages: (0)

yeah again

fairly average.
start looked like a dda.
it felt generally unfinished


fairly average

Demo Data

Nice map

Fairly average, although some cool moments and nice placement. Ug your gold looks so ugly to me :) 4