
Thumbnail of the map 'Clatering'

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Author NICNAC14
Tags action author:nicnac14 unrated
Created 2008-12-01
Last Modified 2008-12-01
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description heres a map! play it!
last day of school was today for me! no more school for the next 9 weeks...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'R&R Railroad..' Thumbnail of the map 'Retro' Thumbnail of the map 'I felt like it...' Thumbnail of the map 'Basking in the Sunlight' Thumbnail of the map 'blah..' Thumbnail of the map 'couragous..'
R&R Railroad.. Retro I felt like it... Basking in the Sunlight blah.. couragous..


Pages: (0)

Really fun

Except for the rocket placement. But the drone encounters were well thought u=out imo. 3.5 up.

Also, I made a map, it was well received, you might want to take a look. Going back to an old style with this one...


you could rate my last map?
you forgot..

agreed with apse.

no more sin....

that was fun

i liked the sort of nearly symmetrical feel to the map.
rocket didn't really do much, but still a great map


first try.
Demo Data