Comments on "Octopus"

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From now on, I will totally decimate any review that appears on the home page but my own, and ones that are REALLY GOOD. Examples of poor feature choices would be: #4 by ultCult, Super Unison by Yahoozy, and ignition by whoever that guy was.

*slaps tinkerbell*

my work here is done.

rule is

a more technically skilled author than skyray? lol. aherm. aherm. i like rule; he's a good kid, and he's got a good atmosphere. but frankly, tinkers, perhaps too much coffee this morning? xD this whole thing is hilarious

Aw thanks.


Hi turtles!

Naw not too much

But if you say something that might have a negative effect, then yes you will be popular. Hit me in the face and you get 25 points :)

Oh hey

If I post a comment, will I suddenly be popular?


awwww. Shady dingo.
XD at the word "Shenanigans"


At Tinkers last post.

Hey now, not bad

I like it. 4aved.

XD @ yungerkid.
and ignoring the rest of the promising ma--jesus christ just thinking about what the rest of my comment will be enrages me so i will just stop here

Oh and Skyray

you and I both know that the only reason why you call rule overrated is because he is in every way a better map maker than you.

Now I'm clueless

but wth. I'll play along.

i do not flip flop

i repeat: i do not flop flip


you flipflopper!

Screw it

I'll do whatever the hell i want
i am jealous :(

oh also, it does make you kind of a jerk but hey it's the internet right. i know that's what i think. and you probably had the same little revelation too. so, great job on ...this.

You have my word.

That I will NEVER feature another N art. So there.
Skyray's nart was pretty good though.


Skyray covered it... nevermind.
His was made too recently, it already had like 30-40 votes, and there are way better N-arts. And Skyray knows that. Sure he didnt mock the person but he knows that his didnt deserve it either.

there's reasons squibbles isn't a reviewer anymore
and you are just driving yourself down that same road

i also believe that squibbles is a complete idiot for featuring the first n-art (mine)
but you win the gold medal for not learning from past mistakes and NUMA history and still featuring a crap n-art anyways
So did you mock whoever featured YOUR n-art? From what you say, your art was worthless and should stay in the corner for the rest of eternity.


I love contradiction :)

This is what I did about it.. and i'm done.
I guess it just goes to show that people 5 everything these days, especially n art.


That was funny.


many octopuses

You're my hero.

NR cause it's Nart.


Irony is fun.

the circular head is what sucked up all the effort and time



wether you tried to or not, that's good.


Its an octopus, its funny, its art. 5aved.

Someone feature this!


out of 5

I understand Skyray

I understand everything.