Thumbnail of the map 'EXIT'

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Author Palantini
Tags author:palantini playable tileset unrated
Created 2008-12-09
Last Modified 2008-12-09
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Leave!I don't want you any more!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Who is John Galt?' Thumbnail of the map 'Sobriety Test' Thumbnail of the map 'Catch' Thumbnail of the map 'From the DarkestCave to the TallestTower' Thumbnail of the map 'Garden of the Living' Thumbnail of the map 'Xtreme Voltage'
Who is John Galt? Sobriety Test Catch From the DarkestCave to the TallestTower Garden of the Living Xtreme Voltage


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Plays quite well but doesn't look amazing, although I presume you didn't make it to look amazing :P 3/5
Demo Data


you forget to rate maps a lot.

maybe you will now go and rate mine??

this map is odd.
kinda pointless but fun. sort of.


fun but kinda pointless

Well then kind sir

If you head down aisle 1, up aisle 2, and down past the cashier down the first row, heading right, I am sure you'll find your way.


how subliminal