so what 4

Thumbnail of the map 'so what 4'

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Author beethoveN
Tags author:beethoven puzzle so-what unrated
Created 2008-12-09
Last Modified 2008-12-09
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I have got to get a new name for these. fastest AGD in 24 hours gets DED!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'buoy' Thumbnail of the map 'is it upside-down?' Thumbnail of the map 'so what' Thumbnail of the map 'so what 2' Thumbnail of the map 'knot' Thumbnail of the map 'so what 3'
buoy is it upside-down? so what so what 2 knot so what 3


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in debug mode do not have cap lock on and click to go 1 frame

... you may have won the ded but i won overall...i even have a faster demo...


....hmm so fbf isnt just a saying like beetoven said...also why couldnt you guys just tell me that fbf is a way of slowing down N so that you could make your jumps more accurate??? does that mean im pro then? cuz i still dont know how to use FRf...wanna fill me in on how to use fbf?...
*read my other comment*

Ok, if you are able to go under 600 frames without fbf, your kinda pro (or lucky). All I meant to say is Fbf might help you.

I meant with FBF

With FBF will you get a faster demo because you see every frame really slow at a time. so you could make your jumps better and thats how you CAN be faster.

w00t I won!



...a saying for hard to get faster?...why wouldnt you just say its going to be hard to get a faster demo rather then saying you will need FBF to get a faster demo because noobs like me will just bring up this whole stupid conversation...also you knew you were typing in caps lol :P...

IT'S A SAYING sorry for caps

... can you answer for him? dont get offended or whatever but, you still didnt really tell me what this whole fbf thing could you "need" frame by frame to get a faster demo that makes no sense to me...

well, getting under 600 frames is hard, so he meant that you would need fbf, stating tha is it hard vrey


...okay i knew what it meant but how does that have anything to do with getting less than 600 frams?...



...okay im happy with fastest AGD...also i had a faster one if you would have gotten a better one...also you never told me what fbf is and how come you said its only possible to get less than 600 with fbf...and i would like to know what you meant by this "it's more because of the map then something else"...

but b3n, you won...


I give up lol.

it's more because of the map then something else :p

sorry, it's been 25 hours.

... who gets the ded then?...


...faster...whats fbf?...and i got faster than 600 without fbf...
Demo Data


could be done faster
Demo Data


with your first demo.
Demo Data


I'm a racer and jumper, be aware. I already won of meta_ing a couple times
less then 600 frames, only in fbf though

submit it still!


...looks like im gonna win the contest...i still have a faster demo too in case someone beats mine ;p...


Demo Data

... thinkin 664 ;)...
Demo Data

-a few frames

This map could be done in 670 frames I think
Demo Data
don't add enemies, the jumper aspect is good enough! try speed-runnin' it, you'll have enough of a challange...


(I might speed-run on all of your 'so what' maps, so could you make a special so-what tag for it?)



...short but sexy...just like asian women...anyways what i used to do for map names was get a good word generator and get two words that sound hilarious my map imbroglio xerosis...idk i thought that was a good name...5/5...and here is my slow AGD...
Demo Data

balance the jumper?
Not to make it harsh, just more challenging. Balance the jumper aspect to accomodate. Idk about names though.

well, you could help me with the name!
and give me advice on shaking it up.
You do need to come up with a new name for this. 3.5 down, because its starting to get a bit tired. Shake it up a little.