lovely girl

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Author handofgod
Tags author:handofgod earth love playable unrated
Created 2008-12-12
Last Modified 2008-12-12
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description ok, so theres this girl, right?
And I want to ask her out on a date, and I try to talk to her but she just ignores me.
And shes ALWAYS lusting after this ninja, I mean, what does he have that I dont? Sure he can jump high buildings, and sure he has a shitload of gold, and sure he can dodge those drones with ease, but really? Why is he so special.
I really wish i was a ninja.

Other maps by this author

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right place, right time. 05-2 ~ who is death? more please. 05-3 ~ grayscale i cradle broken glass 05-4 ~ grayscale ii


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I like this

It has something really unique about it, especially the rightmost chamber. All the laser placement is phenomenal, though the execution could have had more polish. AGD is hella fun.


Gold placement is really nice. And you used the laser drones very efectively.

the map was ok.

i thought that the gold was a bit too much. and i felt that more could have been done with the gameplay. fairly nice use of the lasers, though.

i also wanted to thank you for taking to time to demo all my maps that you play. it just gives me a good feeling :)

its a joke.

i dont have girl trouble.


Number 14900
Go to japan.
Everyone's a ninja there.