Sky High

Thumbnail of the map 'Sky High'

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Author Ben_Schultz_11
Tags author:ben_schultz_11 dda unrated
Created 2005-10-06
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Who would have ever thought that floor guards could create close calls. Debug mode only..

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Show Off (Third Time Lucky)' Thumbnail of the map 'Temple of Doom' Thumbnail of the map 'Happy Accidents' Thumbnail of the map '2nd Time Round' Thumbnail of the map 'Purple Monkey Dishwasher (Debug Version)' Thumbnail of the map 'Me Want Out'
Show Off (Third Time Lucky) Temple of Doom Happy Accidents 2nd Time Round Purple Monkey Dishwasher (Debug Version) Me Want Out


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Man! Am I unobserverant! Debug mode AKA NED. Doh'

ps Sorry about all the posts but you can eddit them or I would have


I see you are souposed to watch it in NED. Not bad by the way. For future reference say if it needs to be run in NED.
He dies fairly early in the game by a lazer beam. Am I souposed to run it in NED or something?

decent dda

i think you can do better though.