Hear me, my Chiefs. I am tired.

Thumbnail of the map 'Hear me, my Chiefs. I am tired.'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Palantini
Tags action author:palantini rated
Created 2008-12-15
Last Modified 2008-12-15
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description I tried pretty hard. Hope this map isn't too easy.
If there are impossible elements, please tell me. Don't rate it down please, as take into account I am not a good enough player to playtest it, even fbf.
Otherwise, enjoy!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Eagle Eye' Thumbnail of the map 'Caleb' Thumbnail of the map 'Star Spangle' Thumbnail of the map 'Earthly Orbit' Thumbnail of the map 'Pestilence' Thumbnail of the map 'Treinta Cuatro'
Eagle Eye Caleb Star Spangle Earthly Orbit Pestilence Treinta Cuatro


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if another person agrees, I'll change it

Why did you change it? I liked it better before.


It looks like another one of those well-done, flowy, hard maps that we have so many of.

A bit too hard for the weaker players (read: me) to have any chance whatsoever at completion.

You don't need to make maps that you can complete, even with FBF. You need to make maps that don't use parts that you can't complete, FBF allowed.

Also, Nreality allows you to play a NUMA map by typing in the map number (this one is 149371). If you complete it, your completion demo is uploaded to their NUMA highscores server. On obscure maps, anyone who completes them can get a demo there.


I quite like it actually, quite a flexible map.

But you went overboard with the enemies, when you aren't going for gold it's fine because the map has flow, but an AGD would be very frustrating.

You should definitely make maps that you can playtest.
Demo Data

Thanks for the map

You still making anything on Nspire? You had great tilesets.
:p sorry about that,

Awesome map, im glad you didnt leave, can you check out my latest map




This map was surprisingly fun. I'm far too lazy to try for the AGD, but I'll give it a shot sometime. Nice level.
Demo Data