WARNING! May get you angry and/or frusterated EXPERTS ONLY!

Thumbnail of the map 'WARNING! May get you angry and/or frusterated EXPERTS ONLY!'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author alrightnow
Tags author:alrightnow rated test
Created 2005-10-07
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Basically you have to open a bunch of doors and each new one you open lets loose monsters who are RANDOM! good luck and try not to damage your keyboard when bashing your head against it.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Don't fall' Thumbnail of the map 'Where is the stuff? Oh!' Thumbnail of the map 'Ninja'
Don't fall Where is the stuff? Oh! Ninja


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Catering to "experts only" seems like an excuse. It gives the impression that you're trying to compensate for the fact that this map gets so overwhelming that it stops being fun with a tacit insult to the player, whose lack of fun is to be blamed on their own lack of skill rather than on the map itself.

This map could be largely improved with some gold (which wasn't added after all) and a room were enemies could be trapped in.

first try,

heres my demo, i gotta say, i got farhter than you
Demo Data


forget that last part about the lasers, i was thinking of a diffrent map.


read the title, experts only, and theres a warning, dont get mad at me if you cant do it, sorry, but i will however put some gold into it, ok? ok. and no, im not very good at n but can get pretty far on it. the trick is towait inside the laser untill they shutoff, its a glitch
Your map needs gold, even if you go through as fast as safely possible, there just isn't enough time in user levels, I was feeling this map out in debug mode and I died here, but the point is, this map sucks a lot...
Demo Data
Do you think it is hard, can you even beat it?