Stuck in a maze

Thumbnail of the map 'Stuck in a maze'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author orangexhippo
Tags author:orangexhippo hard insane long maze puzzle unrated
Created 2008-12-20
Last Modified 2008-12-20
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This map I made is a MAZE. It is annoying and long. Just stick 2 it and have Fun.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Never a break' Thumbnail of the map 'Get a Room' Thumbnail of the map 'Rocket Chess' Thumbnail of the map 'Caged in' Thumbnail of the map 'Tower of stress' Thumbnail of the map 'X Field'
Never a break Get a Room Rocket Chess Caged in Tower of stress X Field


Pages: (0)


not that bad... but a little too hard for me.

Holy crap

That took forever! No wonder you had a hard time getting all the gold!

All Gold Demo

I finaly got the AGD for this map
It was frustrating
Demo Data

Hey, I sent

you the map demo.

It's on the comments for "Labrynthine".

Try it out!

Oh, yeah...

It got a five (insane!)

Hey, it's Adam

Yeah, adam_zappul; you tried out "Labrynthine" and told me to try this rocks! It took me forever to figure out the whole thing in the beginning with the chaser drone (how come it doesn't follow you?). Sweet (even though I had to cheat it). Here's a deal: You show me how you beat your map, and I'll show you how to beat mine.


your tags say hard and long. XD