Thumbnail of the map 'TITLE'

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Author blacksonandshortshiftsexgames
Tags action author:blacksonandshortshiftsexgames unrated
Created 2008-12-21
Last Modified 2008-12-21
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description So we spent a minute per step. There was alot of steps.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Toobloke' Thumbnail of the map 'SAY THERE' Thumbnail of the map 'HAY LOOK' Thumbnail of the map 'Salus Suas Extandereals Concedit' Thumbnail of the map 'Droneroned' Thumbnail of the map 'Fuzzy Little Man Peach'
Toobloke SAY THERE HAY LOOK Salus Suas Extandereals Concedit Droneroned Fuzzy Little Man Peach


Pages: (0)

i find this really hard for some reason :/

Demo Data


its poetic.

the bottom half was cool, the rest was boring.

the first step

was sucking. the second was being lame. and the third was putting down some tiles. They finished up with some random code generated by a computer in blackson's parents' basement, and stuck that in for good measure. The fifth and final step was deciding on the title, which took the longest amount of time.

is it unfinished?

it had a lot of places that were pointless and had a feeling of emptyness, idk not rated for the time being