Comments on "Teh Humble Zebra"

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Cause an awesome collabs coming up...
and remains 5/5 by like 55 people, then it deserves a feature imo.


Although in general this stuff doesn't appeal to me, so I wont rate.

Using ned to do realism never made much sense to me, it's such a clumsy tool that will only ever create sub par results, with a huge time investment.
the n-arts break up the monotony of life, but it is still good when they arent on the hot maps. I wont make an n-art for a long time so that others can get their maps on :)

And maybe

a featured daily n-art/dda???since those kind of maps never get featured.
and @maxsson. BAH

@ ganteka

Don't you technically "fourth" us? :P

I second

Eganic, Lightning, and Maxsson.

I like the idea

of a seperate page for N-arts/DDA's. That way, the real maps stay longer, and the people who are looking for N-arts/DDA's can find them with ease.
As they hog up the hot maps, while they really aren't maps at all. Either way, this is still a 4.5. You need atmosphere, not just the animal. I'd still prefer if there was a separate map section for N-arts, or if there was a non-N-art/DDA filter because sometimes I wish for people to see maps to play. I mean, DDA's and N-arts are for enjoyment and really aren't a part of the game and it takes away much work for playtesting, and possible a future feature-able map that is completely unseen.

holy crud!

50 rates and


it was really close for about 3 seconds


More impressive than the tiger... but unfortunately I can't go higher than a five. Spectacular. This deserves to be top of hot maps right now.


this needs to stop being at the top of the hot maps page!
you make some pretty good narts. I wish I had the time to do stuff like this...

If he makes

maps that people like then it would be a terrible thing to just make him not make them.
you have great art and all;I'm not at ALL advising you not to keep making it...
But it kinda isn't fair to release them daily because it hogs the hotmaps and no one else gets a chance...just look at L_D's recent map...only 6 have rated compared to usually must higher numbers...
So keep making 'em and just seems like your maps stay on for so long (a whole day or more) that no one else gets a shot.
Just because some 14 year old kid across the internet doesn't particularly love what your making shouldn't give you the incentive to not make them. Do it if you want to.
this time.

Take your 5, and go...
much better then that tiger
Wow i just realised about the IRC, its cool
whenever i go to the forum it switches my accounts, im back at BE_nSPIRED again


not to
Kaylab and I have a huge collab brewing...if your map is still to of the hots, can you check it out and do us a favor?
is because i accidentally got an NaN, because i saved about a quarter of the data in microsoft word, which always stuffs it up. I hate NaN objects

whos baba4_45

i just checked back to see this map, after sleeping and its still going well, to blackson and others, i will stop myself making n-arts because it doesnt go down well. I will stick to normal maps :)



One of the biggest

N-art haters faved this (origami)
You should be proud.

you should try

putting in some backgrounds


Stop with the abusive comments. First warning.
I like some of the lines in it, but the face isn't as well distinguished as it could be. Good attempt though.


whats with the "oh-bum-nan" tag?


flying up, but the standards remain the same. Hence, 40 people with a 5/5 rating. It looks good, but I don't have the proper critique to know how good is really is.

*Doesn't blindly rate it a 5*


now this one is a bit different. It's nice. The depth here is good and really well done now that I think about it.

Plus, you outlined the picture instead of trailing off with weird lines. Good job.


crazy man


But I never make N-Arts they take way too many time :P 5/5


Now I can't submit my map 'cause this'll bump it down.

But it's really pwnage; 5