Orfill. Llifro. Orfro. Illli.

Thumbnail of the map 'Orfill. Llifro. Orfro. Illli.'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author gloomp
Tags author:gloomp hard illli llifro orfill orfro rated
Created 2009-01-03
Last Modified 2009-01-03
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description "gloomp made this map"

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'GBF HNGF' Thumbnail of the map 'name?!' Thumbnail of the map 'Spout 11, Mainside' Thumbnail of the map 'Cake of snow and burn, burn, burn.' Thumbnail of the map 'a plea for a little silver lining' Thumbnail of the map 'Welcome World'
GBF HNGF name?! Spout 11, Mainside Cake of snow and burn, burn, burn. a plea for a little silver lining Welcome World


Pages: (0)

but its so fucking addicting

happy birthday gloomp!
I love how, in the thumbnail, the mines make the tiles seem curved.

auhhhh, I slipped

this map is a good example of 'repulsion gameplay', which I think I just made up. basically, getting the gold, switches, then getting the heck out of there recklessly to avoid getting blasted to bits by a rocket, but land on a mine instead. 5/5
Demo Data




Simplicity, difficult, fun, challenging, and that is an AGDD btw.
I was so close...
Demo Data


A little more linear than it looks, but that works in favour of this map imo. Overkill on mines tho. Other than that, solid.


I hate getting to the exit. This map is pure EVIL.

*too many mines, still kinda fun, if a bit short. 3.5*


Demo Data

*gloomp didn't make this map*