Techno Paths

Thumbnail of the map 'Techno Paths'

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Author theNding
Tags author:thending fun seekers simple unrated
Created 2009-01-04
Last Modified 2009-01-04
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I said I quit but I lied. This place is like a black hole. You try to get away but you get sucked into the black, bottomless depths that that are N addiction. I will limit myself to one map a week though. Have fun.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Zen 2' Thumbnail of the map 'Three Ring Circus' Thumbnail of the map 'Mo Mo' Thumbnail of the map 'Walk for Your Lives' Thumbnail of the map 'Watching the days fly by' Thumbnail of the map 'Ten and One Towers'
Zen 2 Three Ring Circus Mo Mo Walk for Your Lives Watching the days fly by Ten and One Towers


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this map is evil!

lol 3/5


is always right. I have to learn to listen to him more.

3/5 btw

Woo! ^^

Blackson was right :P