
Thumbnail of the map 'Tranquility'

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Author tinkers7777
Tags author:tinkers7777 end rated
Created 2009-01-17
Last Modified 2009-01-17
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description This will be my last map until summer, due to homework issued. Here is my formal goodbye. That is a waterfall if you can't tell.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'In memoriam' Thumbnail of the map 'Epic' Thumbnail of the map 'Wonder Lakeside' Thumbnail of the map 'Static {RS 3}' Thumbnail of the map 'Aegis' Thumbnail of the map 'Tension'
In memoriam Epic Wonder Lakeside Static {RS 3} Aegis Tension


Pages: (0)

amazing tile set 5/5. I liked most of the gameplay but I HATED the waterfall section so 3.5/5. +.5 for teaching me that door glitch. 5+4/9/10



GAH!!!!! HOOXAH!!!
i would feature this. i love it 5
this has a decent shot at being featured
all it takes is a single reviewer admirer

I like

the gold.
hmm, without getting into an argument, no

Ok then

See you back then mate. Pm me when you get back i want to collab with you then.
4. Nice map mate.
I love classical music.
Hmmmm...interesting I don't know how you will work out theme-map correlation though. I can only think of a few piece , Vivaldi's The Seasons,perhaps Moonlight Sonata?


I forgot to say that. I mentioned that in all my other contests. I was dreading missing nnrpg, but I know it will come back. I apologize that you will lose me as a judge.


I forgot to say that. I mentioned that in all my other contests. I was dreading missing nnrpg, but I know it will come back. I apologize that you will lose me as a judge.
well that's what everyone said to me when I left...


Are you doing anything for my contest, because I don't know if it is going to last until summer or not.


I can see this geting featured...possibly...

Good luck with your homework. :P
I hope this will get me the feature I've always dreamed of.