Space Place 2: Space race

Thumbnail of the map 'Space Place 2: Space race'

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Author oof____kabooff
Tags author:oof____kabooff cool race rated spaceplace
Created 2009-01-22
Last Modified 2009-01-22
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Spacer Racer

Other maps by this author

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Town tree Factory Wilderness Laser chase Rocky ridge run Space Place 1: Space place


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yea the levels are supoded to be hard. they arent supposed to alway be dda maps. and i would give it a 5/5 for ur info u ***es


shut up.


u really need to concentrate on the flow before u add all the fancy tileset...
it looked like u were trying follow other peoples styles,
if the flow was good this would have been an awsome race but unfortunately u get a measly 4

keep on trying u look like u have potential


yea i agree, not too flowy


It's fun, but the flow was a little hard for me to find.