The Catwalk

Thumbnail of the map 'The Catwalk'

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Author neighborlyninja2
Tags action author:neighborlyninja2 playable rated
Created 2005-10-15
Last Modified 2005-10-15
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description I tryed a actual THEME this time :)

A starry night on the catwalk, with "rough seas", and wood flying everywhere, trying to, um, kill you....MWAAHAHA.

PLEEZ comment.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Super Random Madness' Thumbnail of the map 'SRM part 1.5' Thumbnail of the map 'SRM part 2' Thumbnail of the map 'SRM Xtreme'
Super Random Madness SRM part 1.5 SRM part 2 SRM Xtreme


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I found this map annoying, though it is OK. I think there should be less homing turrets. I couldn't beat it,


This map is really really really really really good, In my opinion, but since my computer is messed up, i couldn't beat it since my computer is so slow and glitchy, but definatly a 5/5 for me...


no one cares about the NEW PEOPLE'S maps, all you guys want are the FAMOUS people's maps, like tktktk and nevermore, and you pay NO attention to OUR maps. All I wanted was a little critisizm, but now i realize that hardly anyone even looked at this map, let alone rated it.

I bet no one will ever BOTHER to read people DISGUST me......


why do I even try.....


cuz no one is critisizing it, for pete's sake......


but won't someone please tell me why this map is not perfect?


What a lam3z0r. This is a very well made map. I'm not that good, so I couldn't beat it, but definetly a 4/5

come ON

would the person who gave my map a 1.5 please tell me WHY.
