Dooreerie Advance

Thumbnail of the map 'Dooreerie Advance'

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Author pocketchange24641
Tags author:pocketchange24641 dooreerie rated
Created 2009-01-27
Last Modified 2009-01-27
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description Decided to make another dooreerie, have fun! :)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Thwump Thwump Revolution' Thumbnail of the map 'AFAP' Thumbnail of the map 'The Levitation Machine' Thumbnail of the map 'Squish' Thumbnail of the map 'Border Patrol' Thumbnail of the map 'Diminish'
Thwump Thwump Revolution AFAP The Levitation Machine Squish Border Patrol Diminish


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actually a good race map. 5


i'll play and rate it if i can remember...


im gonna make a door eerie tommorrow

nope minimap

I didn't get the idea from you.

i made a

map like this before . it used the same concept.


actually, I got the inspiration from a different map, but I'm not telling where...


is so similar to a level i've made.



so now that we're all happy again, i'll look at some of your other maps.


i'll let you win :)

that may be true, all im saying is that if you are making a door-eerie, at least add in some challenge to the map, so it can be more fun.
that map being a dda doesn't matter, it's still fun, because of the close calls. add in enemies on this map, so at least providing some sort of challenge.
running around collecting gold, and then running to the finish i do not regard as a challenge.
this is just my opinion, so lets just end it here, i dont want to fight.


an that one you don't have to do anything, so it has no challenge whatsoever. On this level, you actually have to do something, and while it might have no enemies, you're still controlling whether the player makes it or not. And it's a DOOREERIE!!!

your point?



that's a dda...


if you think its aesthetically pleasing, that's good. im fine with that.
im just saying that i dont find it aesthetically pleasing; that's my opinion.

if you want a good door eerie that is still fun, see this []. although not an action map, its what my definition is of a good door eerie.

yes it is

it's aesthetically pleasing...


and isn't the ultimate result of a map meant to be fun?
or is that just my take on it?

In this door eerie

all you do is press arrow keys back and forth
theres no timing, no challenge or strategy, not even opposition
imo its not fun to run back and forth on top of doors


you basically said why it's fun. Running around the track while the level creates itself is the whole point of the map.
a good 600 or so frames better than apse, namely because of the cheat.
Demo Data


iz cool, i liked it

sorry for the crappy demo, i was doing much better the first time, so i decided to make a demo, and then i failed
Demo Data


i gave a reason for why i dont like door-eeries.
and saying that, there are some door-eeries which are really good, and actually provide a challenge to the player, namely by having enemies in it.
this door-eerie is not fun, simply because it is just running around the whole map, collecting switches and gold. that's why i rated it a 1.
A three. There was one point when I coud skip half the maze. It's an average door eerie, that's all there is.

Crazy Awesome!

I love this map!

I had fun!

Don't listen to apse. He seems to just hate eeries for no reason.

I loved how flowy the curved blocks made it.


i dont wish to crush your hopes as a future door-eerie artist, but there is pretty much nothing fun or good about a door-eerie. therefore, nobody really likes them. they've been done so many times in the past, it's not funny.

Demo Data

very fun!

great work, loved the flowyness, and how long it was! faved


I never could beat those door-eeries, because of lack of gold... maybe too much gold would have been the only problem here (I got it in 120).
The curves add to unexpected twists and turns, but they also help to show the shape of the tunnels.