High Jump

Thumbnail of the map 'High Jump'

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Author nooon
Tags author:nooon drone easy glitch hard nooon unrated
Created 2009-01-30
Last Modified 2009-01-30
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description __ Jump! ___

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Forces of the Drones' Thumbnail of the map 'Nreality Drone Survival' Thumbnail of the map 'Randomness' Thumbnail of the map 'Tunnels of Doom.' Thumbnail of the map 'Tunnels of Doom. (Inverted)' Thumbnail of the map '4 Ways to death'
Forces of the Drones Nreality Drone Survival Randomness Tunnels of Doom. Tunnels of Doom. (Inverted) 4 Ways to death


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Demo Data

u need to jump on the middle from high up


It is not working for me...

Demo Data



that gave me the biggest fright, I was just jumping around dodging drones when suddenly i was catapulted upwards lol