Tokyo Jupiter

Thumbnail of the map 'Tokyo Jupiter'

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Author furry_ant
Tags author:furry_ant jupiter tileset tokyo unrated
Created 2009-02-02
Last Modified 2009-02-02
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description my 49th map . yes.

the tileset flows (like a beast) in some areas and then just doesn't in others.

credit if used please. :]

Other maps by this author

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Galactic Frontier : Leviathan Galactic Frontier - Black Angel Decaying Sanity Melted Forest Storm the Keep (Remake) Demented Mushrooms


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3/5 from me too

It's decent. I bet you could make a very nice map of it but it has some large, open areas that I don't like (top right, per example).

thanks kaylab

i know what you mean though, its kind of all over the place.

i think its nice

because I'm a fan of the city style.

but it wasnt wrapped up as well as it could have been, you know?

still worth a 3 i think