The Saga Begins

Thumbnail of the map 'The Saga Begins'

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Author ChrisE
Tags action author:chrise unrated
Created 2009-02-04
Last Modified 2009-02-04
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description ded. to furry_ant for the tiles... I added a tunnel!!

I will start to make map-packs...

Sort all my levels out :D


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Livin' In The Fridge' Thumbnail of the map 'Christmas At Ground Zero' Thumbnail of the map 'I Can't Watch This' Thumbnail of the map 'Dare to Be Stupid' Thumbnail of the map 'S.N.D' Thumbnail of the map 'Return is Pale...'
Livin' In The Fridge Christmas At Ground Zero I Can't Watch This Dare to Be Stupid S.N.D Return is Pale...


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son of a

Demo Data


chrisE my friend xD i never played your 0old maps and i have to say they are very amusing xD
hotmail isn't so you could do that I don't mind what ever is easiest
"do you have msn? It's easier to chat - and do you fancy making a collab?" I do have hotmail but I'm at school now (boarding) and its blocked I got a friend who is awesome at computers to unblock the internet for me but msn still doesn't work =( I can get on it on friday when I go home also I've never done collab before but it would be fun to try I don't even know how it works what did you have in mind.

On an unrelated map cool you found one of my really early maps that I posted all on one day and didn't get any attention it would be nice if you rce'd it and I'll rce a really early one of yours or whatever =)
The enemies were generally well placed though at times a bit excessive also I'd cut down on the gold a bit very good in most other respects though also nice tiles furry_ant again. 3.7/5

thankyou :]
