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ahh clustered mines!
ouch, my eyes. some bits of the top were alright, others were kinda myeh. your tiles are still messy and lazy, they were much better down the bottom but still not brilliant, and the different sections varied from frustrating to cheerily fun and back again. i liked the first gauss area, and quite a bit of the bottom, but your style still feels undeveloped.. i can see that quite a bit of work went into various bits of this level, but that's all it feels like: bits of a level, haphazardly glued together. you need to refine how you build your levels some more, and have a look at how the greats do it. for you, i think a suitable inspiration would be spudzalot, go and check out some of his earlier stuff, maybe start from http://nmaps.net/133514 back, jumping at least 3 each time. spend at least half an hour or so just doing that, and see what he does with objects and tiles.
good luck, no rate on this one.
good luck, no rate on this one.
Ok :\