Iced Cavern 凍結する死

Thumbnail of the map 'Iced Cavern 凍結する死'

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Author furry_ant
Tags author:furry_ant cavern iced tileset unrated
Created 2009-02-04
Last Modified 2009-02-06
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description quick 10 minute tileset i made. good for a minejumper imo.

if you want to use it please credit me :]

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Origins' Thumbnail of the map 'An Unsung Hymn to Humanity Gone By' Thumbnail of the map 'White Fragment of a Dream' Thumbnail of the map 'Sacrilege' Thumbnail of the map 'Intensity' Thumbnail of the map 'Remains of Hope 生存死者'
Origins An Unsung Hymn to Humanity Gone By White Fragment of a Dream Sacrilege Intensity Remains of Hope 生存死者


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ye i should have used some 6 tiles but thats all done now ;P

its not my favourite tileset but i still like it :]


that was a compliment btw, nothing bad, I like the tiles, maybe you should use some 6 tiles on those hanging things, because it makes it look too parallel and choppy, but I like the look and feel of it
i was just messing around with the editor because i felt like doing a map and this happened :]

it was more like 12 minutes i suppose ;P


that took you 10 minutes? its like you already have the map pictured and prepared in your head, all you got to do is make it.


thanks for feedback maxson :]
But overall it looks just like your last few. You seem to be good at these, so branch out more :)