The Twin Towers

Thumbnail of the map 'The Twin Towers'

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Author the_silent_riot
Tags action author:the_silent_riot fun medium-hard playable rated rockets
Created 2009-02-05
Last Modified 2009-02-05
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description This is my first level i've ever made, I really just want people to tell me what they think of it, give suggestions, and of course enjoy it...

Your home base is in the middle, it's one of the few safe zones...
There are two towers that both must be infiltrated on either side in order to escape through the center of your home base...


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Welcome to NUMA. This has signs of potential. As far as levels go, this one is pretty easy and uneventful. The enemy that frustrated me the most was actually the launchpads throwing me where I didn't want to be. The map looked okay, but there were way too many places where I had to just wait a moment for something to happen when I wanted to keep moving. I'm glad you took the hidden mines under gold out, I didn't see what you had, but turtles was right in saying that people don't like it. Playing levels will be the best way to figure out what you like or don't like in a level, so hopefully you'll be active around NUMA.
Demo Data

Nice map

because is your first map, I dont ask this " all gold are possible "... 3/5


The only reason I put all the doors is to add strategy with the rockets, I found that without the doors the rockets make it too hard...

Yeah you're right about the gold bombs... I'll fix that...
The doors in the middle are relatively unneccessary, though, and hiding mines under gold isn't liked much by people. Otherwise pretty good.