Finale: Rustic Enterprise

Thumbnail of the map 'Finale:  Rustic Enterprise'

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Author Mustardude
Tags author:mustardude bye-bye mahi rated
Created 2009-02-06
Last Modified 2009-02-06
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description This is my last map submitted to NUMA. I've been sniped heavily on my 4-rated maps, reducing them to threes.

Keeper of the Toxins []
Formally: 4 stars by 5 people Now: 3 stars by 6 people
Could of is Incorrect Grammar []
Formally: 4 stars by 21 people Now: 3 stars by 23 people
Ruins of Old []
Formally: 4 stars by 8 people Now: 3 stars by 10 people
Antidote []
Formally: 4 stars by 6 people Now: 3 stars by 8 people
6 Recumbants []
Formally: 4 stars by 6 people Now: 3 stars by 8 people

This has really ashamed me, and I really can't stand it.

So goodbye...

Mahi style

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Keeper of the Toxins' Thumbnail of the map 'cloudscomindown2,' Thumbnail of the map 'Golf Course' Thumbnail of the map 'I feel fiine' Thumbnail of the map 'Is your wife pretty?' Thumbnail of the map 'It's pronounced'
Keeper of the Toxins cloudscomindown2, Golf Course I feel fiine Is your wife pretty? It's pronounced


Pages: (0)

hehe and "Poor mahi_mahi imitation.."

Sorry I just wanted to say, I hope you don't hate me. Cos I love you, Love your maps and love who you are =P
the rest isn't as good as your usual though imo


Demo Data


maybe your maps just deserve 3's?
when someone leaves based on ratings.

And since you are obviously older than most of us here, you would think your maturity would be a bit more sensible when dealing with people that piss you off.

To be honest, I rather liked your maps.


Really? Wow

I don't know

I'm really busy you know, I have a wife plus I'm in the air force.
I am sure a few people hate you, or make you mad or whatever, and I'm sure that I hate some people and some people hate me, but that's life. The point is, that even when people dislike you, there are always people who like you, who are your friends, and that's the reason you shouldn't leave.
Spudz? All they do is give people constructive criticism and provide the community with good maps.
I fail to see how that's any proof of sniping. Maybe someone was skimming through your maps and disliked them? Either way, I don't think it warranted you to make a map and cry about it. Either continue mapping, get better, and receive good rates, or just sit here and waste your time.

I never said

you sniped

Demo Data

Brian I did not do anything. Sure I dont like mustardude but I wouldnt go as far as sniping his maps. Dont point fingers when you have absolutely no evidence. Mustardude, you make some good maps I even said that a while back, just lately you have been getting mad at me for stupid reasons or jumping in arguments that you have no part of. Also resubmitting is my biggest pet peeve.

Please dont blame me for all of this.


is hella *****


Demo Data

You get past it.

I know how you feel (my situation was worse than yours, all maps that were 5's became 4's, and half of the 4's became 3's), but 2 snipes on 5 maps isn't going to hurt you very much. You make more maps, and people enjoy em'. So the sniper dosen't affect you much at all.

How about this, make a few more maps, post em here, and see how people enjoy them. So what if snipers snipe it? At least you know for a fact that people are still enjoying your maps, and if that's not enough for you, then feel free to leave.

Hey look!

It got sniped. I feel like Bupo,

He doesn't like me

nuff said
If he didn't make those opinions I don't think his maps would be the way they are now.


The only thing good about spudz is his maps.


those were month old maps that were rated several times to make it go down.

It's sniping.


I still dont like your arguements, there will always be people who will piss you off and just be assholes, if it isn't atob and spudzalot, it'll be your boss or an employee, or a roomate, or a neighbor, I just dont think you should leave for those reasons, I mean if its for gaining time on work or something actually serious, I'd understand, but also as blackson said, you leaving is your own choice, but this is my opinion
But I just ignore them. I know that sounds trite and generic, but look at it as a scale: do the bad things about this community really outweigh the positives?


But the fact that people don't like your map?

Those 4's are rounded up, maybe it was 3.6, and two 3's dragged it .2 down.

Anyways, 3 is above average. Leave if you want; no one is stopping you.


I don't know. It's not just sniping. It's certain people around here that piss me off, such as ATOB, or spudzalot, who make me want to leave.
Just disable ratings; you don't have to leave :/


Still some room for improvement.
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takes away the fuel for their fire.
This is just a place to hang out. Also, fun map.
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It shows

that people dislike me


Erik-Player has a point, don't let some stupid kids get to you and your fun, it's actually immature of you to give something up because of a number, what does it matter? people who know you, know that you're a great mapmaker, it doesn't matter what other people think of you, as long as you're having fun playing on this site. you shouldn't let some random person ruin your fun.
Demo Data
This happened to riobe a while back but he got through it and now were best buds. :)