The Never-Ending KRADDA

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Author Pyrocheese
Tags author:pyrocheese dda kradda long unrated
Created 2009-02-06
Last Modified 2009-02-06
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description technically speaking, it does have an ending. and this is my first KRADDA. hope any faults are made up by the sheer length.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Five Rooms' Thumbnail of the map 'rocket rain' Thumbnail of the map 'Breakin' the Sound Barrier in 3..2..1' Thumbnail of the map 'Rocket Storm' Thumbnail of the map 'Survivor' Thumbnail of the map 'Escape the Meteor'
Five Rooms rocket rain Breakin' the Sound Barrier in 3..2..1 Rocket Storm Survivor Escape the Meteor


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I love it!


sorry, i like them short, sweet, and to the point


I didn't really like this DDA. First of all, the DDA really wasn't that long - bluenin's We Burn [] is only about 300 frames shorter and a lot better, and bluenin has also made multi-enemy DDAs over 5000 frames long. Second, the length really didn't make this KRADDA any better - in fact, it made it only more boring to watch. Third, there were so many launchpads (which are reusable, and thus easier to get length with) and gold delay occurrences that it really isn't so hard to make a 3378-frame DDA like this. Also, the tileset was very open, so there weren't a lot of tension from the rocket coming close to the walls, and the rocket could've gone closer to the trapdoors more often.
That said, there were some good close calls with the ninja.


that repeating part sucked, and you need some rocket close calls in there too. I t was cool how the ninja kept flying around hekka fast. :D 3.5