
Thumbnail of the map 'Turbulence'

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Author Action_Agd
Tags author:action_agd hard minejumper rated
Created 2009-02-11
Last Modified 2009-02-11
by 14 people.
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Description Re-submission enjoy, now 100% possible.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'A Riveted Moon'
A Riveted Moon


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most people on NUMA are easy-medium, with some perfectionists that can play at hard levels... but this is frustrating.


i agree with you but in some cases if he wants it to be hard then, i dont know where im going with this...

so far so great

its good to se another pro mine user, since i focus on mines too many people seem to lack the apretaition of my endless mine jumpers. a 4.5 from me keep up the good work :)
It has a nice concept, the tiles are well places, aesthetically this map is awesome, but... I generally think that the OP is a bit iffy, the difficulty is almost retarded, and not worth my time to even attempt. There are also a few cheats as romaniac has proven to get the keys and get to areas that you were obviously attempting to restrain the player from getting to.

Generally I say this is a good map, but the level of difficulty weighed down a bit too much on this map. If you want to have people enjoy your map, you need to assume that most players here on NUMA are of medium difficulty, and if you target your map towards a high difficulty you will only attract a few people to your map.

@ revolsion, I don't think he's zorn. zorn has a different style.


I don't like it. Too many mines. I regretfully give you a two.


you are an excellent mapmaker thus far, I've faved both your maps, I'll post demo on firs one later, this is an excellent map, I haven't play a mine jumper in a while, but I still liked this one, but I dont like how it gets harder than easier than harder etc... and I didn't like how some mines can reach you through the tiles (watch demo), great map nonetheless
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but you are inspiring me!
Would like to see some more maps from you though :p
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wow i love this, apart from the fact i cant do it without skipping some bits, but ahwell, you deserve a 5. Tell me, are you zorn in disguise?

that bit

is possible :)


this is still the best I can do
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