N Mazing

Thumbnail of the map 'N Mazing'

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Author lukewilli
Tags author:lukewilli maze puzzle unrated
Created 2009-02-17
Last Modified 2009-02-17
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Maze with one-way platforms. You have to find your way out and back in without getting trapped.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Loopy' Thumbnail of the map 'Too Close for Comfort' Thumbnail of the map 'Fire Pit'
Loopy Too Close for Comfort Fire Pit


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its generally best to limit to 2 per 24 hours. When I first started I'd been making maps for like 2 weeks before and I posted like 6 on 1 day so people got annoyed didn't look at them as much they got rated bad and didn't even get public ratings and the best one got permanently delisted by admins. So I try to warn people its better to take it slow and get feedback on your maps and get better over time you don't have to submit all the maps you make as well I just submit the ones I like. The map you saw was not one of my best maps I'm not very good at dda's if you want check out my better ones click on my name and it has them on my profile =)

cool but I would

have just stuck with the maze not made it bigger but just not bothered with the rest of the map especially the mines placing mines so they are touching like that looks bad and plays easy and bad and is just the same as having less mines more spaced out generally having more than 5 of the same object touching or corner to corner in mines or equally gold is a bad thing it looks nooby and plays bad just saying cause I see you have done it in fire pit as well so thats my main advice to you. Thanks for checking out my map 3/5 for this