
Thumbnail of the map 'Snake'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author timby
Tags author:timby n-video unrated
Created 2009-02-25
Last Modified 2009-02-25
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I know... Its not the most original idea ever.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Abysmal' Thumbnail of the map 'Electric Circuit' Thumbnail of the map 'Electric Circuit 2: Zapped!' Thumbnail of the map 'Electric Circuit 3: Short Circuit' Thumbnail of the map 'Oddysey 2' Thumbnail of the map 'Quick Jump'
Abysmal Electric Circuit Electric Circuit 2: Zapped! Electric Circuit 3: Short Circuit Oddysey 2 Quick Jump


Pages: (0)

been done before,

but still cool. 3/5.

@ exuberance

I've already seen that. Its pretty awesome, isn't it?
where the leveldata box doesnt cover some of the video up.

Ah, found the map. Luckily it was tagged 'tetris'

hey, didn't NUMA used to have an EDIT button not that long a go. What is with taking out all the usefull features? o.O


is amazing. never seen anything like it. 4/5

This has been done a few times before. There was a Tetris one too, but stupid NUMA doesn't let you search by map title. Kind of defeats the purpose of the search, h'uh?


I just looked through some other n-videos, so this isn't as impresive. 2/5

Cool concept.

And I've never seen anything like this before, and a lot could be done with the concept.