
Thumbnail of the map 'Crystal_city'

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Author death_and_destruction
Tags action author:death_and_destruction playable rated
Created 2005-10-23
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description hey N dudes.
I'm new to Numa, so check out my first proper map. Please rate it quickly. Enjoy!


Pages: (0)


I like the tileset a lot, it's amazing, but I didn't like the hidden traps.

4 / 5

For a first map, it's pretty good. The only thing I can pick up is that it feels like you tried to do too much in one map.

4 / 5

For a first map, it's pretty good. The only thing I can pick up is that it feels like you tried to do too much in one map.


i've only finished this level once. look out for all the mines on the bottom left