Exploring Great Heights

Thumbnail of the map 'Exploring Great Heights'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author ChildrenOfNova
Tags action author:childrenofnova collab fun nreality playable rated
Created 2009-03-21
Last Modified 2009-04-04
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description :.:Nreality:.:

dont go to high though, its easy to die from falling :p

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Old Forest Plateau' Thumbnail of the map 'Stark Maze' Thumbnail of the map 'The Future Is The Darkness'
Old Forest Plateau Stark Maze The Future Is The Darkness


Pages: (0)


I'm always there. Also, I liked how this turner out. ;)

But I'm doing the logo next time.


1. We don't need to say who we are collabing with, because it will always be kablamo_boom and UniverseZero

2. If that mine wasn't floating you could jump over it.


I thought that once I'd cracked the shortcut, it'd be plain sailing...
Demo Data

I really didn't like it, drone spam, you act like its some amazing map, the dying height is really annoying, the random floating mine is really out of place, I'm not a fan, I didn't have any fun, all I liked was the fastish beginning and the tiles, oh and also, mentioning the person you collabed with would be a bit better instead of leaving them out :/


demo submitted at NReality
with images...

But I am happy

This map is really nice.



is pretty good.
I was surprised


please make a better lettering thing