
Thumbnail of the map 'resin'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author apse
Tags action author:apse playable rated
Created 2009-03-24
Last Modified 2009-03-24
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description regurgitated.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'fertile' Thumbnail of the map 'fenced' Thumbnail of the map 'ocular' Thumbnail of the map 'invested' Thumbnail of the map 'forestfloor' Thumbnail of the map 'sawn'
fertile fenced ocular invested forestfloor sawn


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keep it on the page :D

i like this a lot.

Chainguns make it very thrilling.



Perfect map... I like the final door positions and the chaingun drone... I can't do agd because i dead everytime in the golds near the drone

Interesting map

The gold has inpired me! o_O original

I haven;t seen that design before but i like it.

4/5 a very strange yet conforting feeling is found in this map. I like that aswell.

Preferably, the map looks (but doesn;t play) dull, you might want to add a bit of gold in the bottom left.


nice map. :)
Demo Data