
Thumbnail of the map '28-46'

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Author krashio
Tags author:krashio epic map set tile tileset unrated
Created 2009-03-25
Last Modified 2009-03-25
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Just A Tileset!

But Playable!


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Dodge-A-Drone!' Thumbnail of the map 'Choose Your Death!' Thumbnail of the map 'Sudden Movements.' Thumbnail of the map 'Loch Ness Monster!' Thumbnail of the map 'Pipe lines' Thumbnail of the map '25-34'
Dodge-A-Drone! Choose Your Death! Sudden Movements. Loch Ness Monster! Pipe lines 25-34


Pages: (0)


played this for the number 161616 :D
Demo Data

im going to start deding people tonight! ='(

this is a really bad map, its extremely ugly, not only the lined up doors and the littered switches for an attempt to make this a race, but the tiles too. But the worst part about this and many of your maps and you, is that you lie that you'll ded people (i.e. dodge a drone, 25-34 etc...) so that people (well at least me) waste our time playing a map, for absolutely no reason, which btw is a pathetic way to get people to play your maps

Not a fan

I really don't like this map, but congratz on getting map # 161616.

loving the tileset

very racey lol
