Place Name Here

Thumbnail of the map 'Place Name Here'

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Tags author:imamazing ifyoucanreadthisyouarealoser lol placetag1here placetag2here placetag3here rated
Created 2009-03-27
Last Modified 2009-03-27
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Place Description Here

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Face the map' Thumbnail of the map 'Tree' Thumbnail of the map 'Apple' Thumbnail of the map 'Broadcast' Thumbnail of the map 'Face' Thumbnail of the map 'Pixelation'
Face the map Tree Apple Broadcast Face Pixelation


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A bit cramped

Well, here's the thing. You can place a whole bunch of enemies on one space, but it really doesn't make the map any harder. Also, it might place a bit of a strain on weaker computers to have more objects than is really necessary. Also, the hallways were a bit difficult to move around in. Generally, when you have a 4-tile on one side of a corner, use an 8-tile for the other. It normally looks better and allows for a little more 'move room'. Still, not extremely terrible. 1.5 about-in-the-exact-middle-so-I'll-be-nice-up.

too many

one ways.. the turrets were nice (ps:i like turret) but it was cramped. If maps were packed its probably for difficulty.. but its ok


is not appriciated.

i will rate this a 1.5 down.

Darn it!!!

Someone sniped my map!! They gave it a 0 without commenting!

oops srry!!!

sorry. i didn't know that was a rule.


like the gauss turrets.
max is 5.