
Thumbnail of the map 'Frustration'

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Author eNlightened
Tags author:enlightened brutal endurance impossible linear unrated
Created 2009-04-03
Last Modified 2009-04-03
Map Data

Description TL;DR: I know this map is crap, frustrating, and ugly. First one I ever made years ago. Map is for Gauntlet challenge. The rest of my description is boring and irrelevant. Read at your desecration :p

My first map. I made this when the first version of N came out. I randomly played N again years later. It was easier for me now and instead of giving up I went on to beat the game (I hate 24-4). I then found out there was a version that went to 100 episodes and a massive online map sharing site for this game. I clicked unanswered post and saw a gauntlet challenge topic (hard and linear levels). I thought of this level and checked if I still had it. I have only been able to complete this level from start to finish once and that was after 100s of tries 3 years ago.
I may later break this into 2/3 parts. Lastly, the mines in the tiles used to work on V 1.0. However the game won't allow me to change tiles above a certain point anymore.
Yes every part is possible. Good luck.


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can i just say

how dumb i was to accept this challenge ?
because this map didnt get any easier

2 years old comment

must make it sound wrong
Challenge accepted
Demo Data

are you back?

will you start submitting maps again?
will you go on with evaluating my map-pack or rating my maps?
can I have a cookie?




I lost my old demo. Here is almost past the hardest part.
Demo Data

eNlightened: if you are interested :P
hardest level I have ever seen. So yeah. No worries. I should make a simple challenge out of it actually...
didnt get very far... yet i am "im_bad_at_n"
Demo Data

post your map @ []
made this map for a series, I hid mines under gold because of aesthetics but (i know myself) that was BAD...


'Frustration' was the name of the first map i ever made. I never submitted it though for the same reason you.
If you want I'll send it to you (Just comment on one of my maps)


technically everything is spammed XD. I may actually edit this into something playable some day... until then it will stay ugly and as near impossible as I've ever seen hahaha.


Unsightly as this one is, it. is. HARD.
Love the mine placement at the starting, a bit too much rocket spam though.
I wouldn't be able to finish this level if I tried the whole day. Not that I plan to. Maybe.

Oh, it is.

...what he said^^^


that looks hella hard

holy crap

it is kinda fun, the whole map, though I can;t beat it
I would use Ned to skip to the last 2 sections (mainly the last one). I actually somewhat enjoy them. And if you're gonna play this crappy level you might as well try and enjoy it :D


the crap outta me
Oh and yeah, like I said I posted this just cause. No sane human being would enjoy this :D. I doubt any would be able to beat it all iin one either :S
Near end of thump section (which is much easier then most of the other parts). If I can't get a better replay within a few days I will post that :D.
waayyy wayyyy to hard for me
doesn't look very good either, nice ideas though. :)


This is why I put no ratings. Every part of it is possible (with the exception of perhaps time limit, though I doubt it). This is way too hard and I posted it more for nostalgia then anything else. Worst parts are first too. I would say Gold room with missiles is hardest, then initial mines, then thumps, and ending is easiest. I actually find the last two parts fun.


are right!
