Comments on "1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21..."

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I love the nerdiness :D

Actually, come to think of it, the "simple algebra proof" for the convergence of .99999 doesn't really work. (Well it does, but you skip a proof). Since 0.999999... is an infinite series, and you can subtract infinite series iff they both converge, so you need to prove that 0.99999... converges, and if you're going to do that, you might as well find what it converges too, which is 1.



i meant .5


and if you have to round to the nearest whole number, I was taught to round up on a 5 or above, so the 4.5 becomes a 5

Technically 4.49999999... = 4.5 if the 9's go off for infinity (there's a number of proofs for that ranging from simple algebra to using calculus and infinite series) so you can choose to round that to 4 or 5 with the same error.


Very much, YAY!


Exuberance is right.

Go ahead.

Just mention the source of inspiration if your feeling solicitous ;)

You can easily approximate the fibonacci spiral using phi, (1+sqrt(5))/2, which the derrivative of the fibonnaci series converges to, but as far as I know there's no way to get a formula for the entire fibonacci spiral without using some trickery involving modulus or rounding or a fibonnaci series function or something. The polar co-ordinate function r=phi^(2x/pi) converges to it though (x must be in radians. Degrees are stupid.) But I think to get the fibonacci spiral you need a different spiral function for each quadrant, where the radius is determined by the fibonacci number
seriously, there is no 4.4999999999999999999999999 rate choice, so w/e, go to 5


Don't you mean 4.9999, your rating actually comes out to a 4.5 if were all gonna talk math here lol.

I'm going to use

The sweet curve in one of my maps, If that's okay with you...?


It really should be done with gold I suppose. It is called the golden ratio after all


Perfekt! 5/5

Its Great

But not entierly perfect

fail! I meant to delete that second last decimal, but I already hit submit, but didn't think it went, then when I hit backspace it went back so I didn't think it submitted, so then I double-posted >_<

This is kind of tripping over your own feet and falling down a staircase while moving furnature, only the online commmenting equivalent

.5 + ( .5 * 5^.5 )
and that is awesome
5 for the effort :D

.5 + ( .5 * .5^.5 )


that very last quarter turn of the line (the smallest curve) shouldnt be there. It should end just before that but w/e lol


you can work it all out with the equation but pretty much you need to know that the outside rectangle's proportions should be 3:5 (this shape is said to be the most attractive of them all lol) and once you know the outside it's pretty easy to size up.


it is perfect.


I didn't think anyone would get it so quickly, good job!


yay Italians!
your fibonacci spiral is perfect btw 5* my friend