N Mania!!

Thumbnail of the map 'N Mania!!'

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Author spooman
Tags author:spooman rated test
Created 2005-10-25
Last Modified 2005-10-25
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description you have to use the thwumps to your advantage!!!
PLEASE leave comments

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'fun fun fun' Thumbnail of the map 'easy but fun' Thumbnail of the map 'Rugby' Thumbnail of the map 'Hard Walk' Thumbnail of the map 'Triple Threat' Thumbnail of the map 'Evil Person Eater Thingy!!'
fun fun fun easy but fun Rugby Hard Walk Triple Threat Evil Person Eater Thingy!!


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i drank a bottle of rum last week


We fixed the issue. Mostly we were complaining about how at first he would be like "Okay, it's a deal: I vote your map if you vote mine." He's not really like that anymore, but comments should really be focused on the map and not shameless plugging. And with that, no more off topic comments on this map, for spooman's sake.


oh yeah , and asking other people to rate your map if they rated yours Is ok. its just its just a way of saying thanks, but if you give them very high feedback even though you do not like there map, now that is just wrong.


you guys have some strange off topic comments.

i agree with dc443

just cuz adam_dobay's posts all ask people to rate him doesn't mean u should insult him. he wants ratings, so what? he asks nicely for ratings. this is a free country, where we can type whatever the hell we want as long as it's not overtly offensive and/or threatening, so if adam_dobay annoys you so much, wind, just don't read his posts, and don't rate his maps. stop cryin to people about it. you can ask him nicely to stop, and if he wants to he will, but you shouldn't be so rude. jeez.


Since this is off-topic here I have replied to what you have said on my level Highlander where astro1798 has also posted about this problem (and no, this is not a level advertisement, even if it seems like so).

I agree now with what has been said, but at the moment I looked at this level I liked it and may have given it a too high rating.
But I would also like to disagree strongly with the opinion that I am rating people's maps high. I may rate people's maps better than others at times, I admit that happens. But it does not happen because I want people to give me high ratings. I like to receive feedback, that's all. I do not think that coldcut, nevermore or tktktk gave me a good rating for a level because I gave them high votes myself. I have received very good suggestions and critique from coldcut which enabled me to make better levels, and that is exactly the feedback that I was looking for. I never meant to be offensive with my asking for a rating or comment to my map, and I do not think that I was offensive.

Now just to avoid further misunderstandings I hope it is not a problem that I am offering ratings and comment to people who comment on my maps.

oh come on guys

At least adam uses correct grammar and asks politely for votes. it's not like he's being obnoxious. And at least he takes time to make levels that dont completely blow (which cant be said of many maps on numa here).

Everything Pat said.


Although I think I should have rated lower, oh well. Adam, you're kidding right? Oh, and you know what? All of us are sick of your damn business where you keep on saying "Rate me back in return." This is a community where we can vote freely. We're not going to rate just because you rated us, and it really seems like people are rating your maps highly just because you rated their maps highly. Quit it.

"- Nice trap door after the exit switch. "
Great tileset? what are you smoking? The drone however was nice.

You used too mch gold, and never use mines like that in the wall for decoration. You didn't need tha tmany mines on top. Thwumps pretty much random.



- Great tileset.
- Very nice playing around with the drone.
- Nice trap door after the exit switch.

- The unexpected hidden thwump.
- I didn't have to go to the left at all, didn't know what to do there if there's anything to do there.

Overall, very fun level.

Can you please rate me back in return? Thanks.